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obliged to look cut for an agreeable partner (I mean a Wife.) There is a very worthy family in this neighbourhood, with whom I have been ſome time acquainted; they are in good circumſtances, and have a daughter, an amiable young woman, greatly eſteemed by all who know her: I have paid my addreſſes to her, and likewiſe obtained the parents’ couſent, on condition that it is agreeable to you. I would not do any thing of that nature, without your conſent; but I hope that, upon the ſtricteſt enquiry, you will find her ſuch a perſon, that you will not have any objection to a match ſo advantageous. I, on every occaſion, endeavour to act with the greateſt prudence, conſiſtent with the rules you was pleaſed to preſcribe for my conduct. Her parents are to give me five hundred pounds on the day of marriage, if the event ſhould happen to take place; and as they have no other children, the whole of their property becomes ours at their death. In whatever light you are pleaſed to conſider this, I ſhall abide by your direction, and your anſwer in the mean time is impatiently expected,

By your dutiful Son.