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From a Youth at School so his Parents.

Honoured Father and Mother,

Your kind Letter of the 24th inſtant, I received in due time, and, ſoon after, the things you therein mentioned, by the Carrier, for which I return you my ſincere thanks. They came very opportunely for my occaſions. I hope ſoon to improve myſelf at ſchool, though I own it ſeems a little hard and irkſome to me as yet; but my maſter gives me great encouragement, and aſſures me, I will ſoon get the better of the little difficulties that almoſt every boy meets with at firſt, and then it will be a perfect pleaſure inſtead of a talk, and altogether as pleaſant and eaſy as it is now irkſome and hard.

My humble duty to yourſelves: and I beg the favour of you to give my kind love to my brothers and ſiſters; and remember me to all my friends and acquaintances which is at preſent all from

Your very dutiful and obedient Son,