Page:New letter writer, or, Polite correspondence, on friendship, business, courtship, love, and marriage.pdf/23

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vagence and diſſipation; he has no daughters eloping with footmen, or ſacrificing their virtue; in ſhort, he has no plagues which are ſo common to married men, and which, Heaven grant may never be known by my dear friend, or his

Moſt affectionate Servant.


Lord B— requeſts the pleaſure of Mr. F—'s company, this evening to join him and other friends at the Opera Houſe.
Tueſday morning.

Mr. F—'s moſt reſpectful compliments to Lord B—, is very ſorry he is already engaged on a ſimilar occaſion.
Tueſday, 1 o'clock.

Mr. Airy preſents his beſt compliments to Miſs Watſon, requeſts the honour of being her partner to-morrow evening at the Aſſembly.

Thurſday afternoon

Miſs Watſon returns thanks to Mr. Airy for his polite offer, which ſhe is very ſorry ſhe cannot accept, having already engaged herſelf.
Thurſday, 5 o'clock.

Miſs H—'s reſpectful compliments to Lady W—, entreats the honour of her company this afternoon to tea and coffee.
10 o'clock morning.