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anſw. A two-foot Rule, being 24 Inches,
but when ſhut, no more than 12.

There is a precious thing
That always is on wing;
When on my face it lies,
You'll find how ſwift it flies.
Anſw. A Sun-Dial, which ſhew the ſwiftneſs
of Time.

A man and no man,
Like a fury laid on,
Sir Green was drowned in four:
With Sir White and Sir Black
He ſtood to the tack
Till all of them he did devour.
Anſw. A Taylor at dinner with a diſh of
cucumbers, ferved up with pepper, ſalt and

It has many eyes,
But never a noſe,
When down from the ſkies,
Wind bitterly blows;
And likewiſe does fall
Both hail ſnow and rain,
It faces them all,
And ſcorns to complain.
Anſw. A Lettice Window.

To eaſe men of their care,
I do both rend and tear
Their mother's bowels ſtill:
Yet though I do,
There are but few