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( 12 )

Cloſe in a cage a bird I keep,
That ſings both day and night,
When other birds are faſt aſleep,
Its notes yield ſweet delight.
Anſw. a Clock

I'm carry'd quite thro' the city.
ſeeming mighty pretty,
No quarrel or wrangle I breed,
My body is taper,
I fear not a rapier
Tho' ſtabb'd not a drop do I bleed.
Anſw. The ſcabbard of a ſword.

I'm puncheon and thick,
My belly they prick
With ſharp and pointed ſpears,
Tho' many a head appears,
There's neither eyes nor ears.
Anſw. a Pin cuſhion full of pins, whole heads
have no eyes nor ears.

a viſage fair,
and voice as rare,
affording pleaſant charms;
Which is with us
Moſt omnious
Preſaging future harms.
Anſw. a Mermaid, which betokens deſtruction
to Mariners.

By ſparks of fine lawn
I am luſtily drawn,
But not in a chariot or coach:
I fly, in a word,