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led her his warming-pan. She not being able to endure this indignity any longer, one night (Sir Reverence) beſhit the bed. He ridded into it, and finding himſelf in a ſtinking condition, cried out, wife, I am beſhit! No, huſband, ſays ſhe, it is only a coal dropt out of the warming-pan.
A young gentleman, late of the country, having more wit than money, and not paying his chamber, ſtudy, or commons, was indebted to the houſe; and it was thereupon ordered that his chamber ſhould be ſeized. He hearing thereof, cried, I'll remedy that I am reſolved, and ſo preſently went and took the chamber-door off the hinges, and locked it up in his cloſet. The officers coming to fix a padlock thereon, found themſelves diſappointed; and ſearching the room found not any thing worth their ſeizure.
Of Riddles, Jokes, and Tales,
Which may creat a chearful look,
When other method fails.