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The New School of Love;

How persons may know their partner's disposition and Temper, by the Hair, Eyes, Nose, &c.

Hair that is slender and hangs down, not curling, betokens a weak body, and harmless disposition—Hair that is strong and red,is a proper badge for Venus’ wars.—Hair that is short

and thick, denotes the man to be strong, bold, and a lover of beauty.—He whose hair is partly curled, and partly hanging down, is commonly wise and modest.—He whose hair grows thick on his temples or his brows, is commonly lustful.—He whose hair is white or yellow, and curls very much, is mostly proud tho’ dull of apprehension.—He whose hair turns grey in his youth, is generally given to the love of women.—Eyebrows that are much bended betoken high mindedness, and lovers of (illegible text).—He whose eyes looks squint, is commonly deceitful—He who hath a rolling wandering eye, is lustful and cunning. —Those whose eyes are not too big, inclining to black or grey, are mostly of a generous disposition.—A long nose and extended, the tip of it hanging downwards, shews the person to be wise, discreet, honest and faithful.—A nose broad in the middle, and less towards the end denotes a talkative person, who does not stand to tell a lie.—A nose very sharp on the tip of it and neither too long nor too short, denotes the person to be of a fearful disposition, peevish, and jealous.—He who hath a long and great nose, a lover of the fair sex, and well accoutered for Venus' wars; but if short and flat, the reverse.[1]

  1. N.B. The most of the above observations will hold in either sex