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The New School of Love;

Of glitt’ring stars appear’d no more
than those in Nelly’s eyes;
When at her father’s gate I knock’d,
where I had often been,
She, shrouded only with her smock,
arose and loot me in.

Fast lock’d within her close embrace,
she trembling stood asham’d:
Her swelling breast and glowing face,
at every touch inflam’d.
My eager passion I obey'd,
resolv’d the sort to win:
And her fond heart was soon betray’d
to yield and let me in.

Then, then, beyond expressing,
transporting was the joy,
I knew no greater blessing,
to blest a man was I:
And she all ravish’d with delight,
bid me oft come again;
And kindly vow’d that every night
she’d rise and let me in.

But ah! at last she prov’d wi’ bairn,
and sighing sat, and dull:
And I, that was as much concern’d
look’d e’en just like a fool:
Her lovely eyes with tears ran o’er:
repenting her rash sin,
She sigh’d and curs’d the fatal hour
that e’er she loot me in.

But who could cruelly deceive,
or from such beauty part!