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( 2 )

How every one may know their partner's diſpoſition
and Temper, by the Hair, Eyes, and Noſe, &c.

HAir that is ſlenderand hangsdown, not curl-ing, betokens a weak body and harmleſs diſpoſition—Hair that is ſtrong and red is a pro-per badge for Venus wars.—Hair that is ſhort and thick denotes themantobeſtrong, bold, and a lover of beauty.— He whoſe hair is partly curl-ed, and partly hanging down, is commonly wiſe and modeſt — He whoſe hair grows thick on his temples or his brows, is commonly luſful. He whoſe hair is white or yellow, and curls very much is moſtly proud, tho' dull of apprehen- fion. He whote hair turns grey in his youth is generally given to the love of women.-Eye-brows that are much bended betoken high- mindedneſs, and lovers of beauty —He whoſe eyes look ſquint, is commonly deceitful. He who hath a rolling wandering eye, is luſtful and cunning Thoſe whoſe eyes are not too big, in-clining to black or gray, are moſtly of a generous eiſpoſition.— A long noſe and extended, the tip of it hanging downwards, ſhews the perſon to be wiſe, diſcreet. honeſt and faithful — A noſe broad in the middle, and leſs towards the end, denotes a talkative perſon, who does not ſtand to tell a lie. — A noſe very ſharp on the tip of it, and neither too long cor too ſhort, denotes theperſon to be of a fearful diſpoſition, peeviſh and jealous.— He who hath a long and great noſe, is a lover of the fair ſex and well accountered for Venus' wars; but if ſhort and flat, the reverſe

Note, That moſt of theſeabove obſervations will hold in either ſex.