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ſhall be very rich by the death of a relation.
A mole on the right knee, promiſes ſucceſs
in love, and many marriages.
A mole on the left knee, croſſes and diſap-
pointments in love.

A diſcourſe on dreams with their Interpretations,

TO dream you ſee white hens upon a dung-
hill, ſhews a diſgrace by a falſe accuſation.
To dream one is in a pleaſant meadow ſig-
nifies the poiſſeſſion of riches and pleaſure.
To dream one fights and overcomes is to
have the advantage in law ſuits, or otherwiſe.
To dream that two lovers meet, and have
not power to ſpeak to each other, ſhews that
the match will be broken off.
Todreamofembraces, denotesſudden marriage.
To dream of fine clothing, and that they turn
to rags upon your back. ſhews poverty.
To dream one is with child, and does not
know the father thews marriage to a ſtranger.
To dream a ring drops off onc's finger, thews
croffes in love.
To dream one has a garland of flowers pre-
ſented, ſhews they will have the perſon deſired.
To dream of fire denotes anger.
To dream you fly, fignifies haſty news of
ſtrange things.
To dream one puts a gold ring upon your fin-
ger, ſignifies ſpeedy marriage bur if it ſeem to
break or falloff, there will be diſappointment in it
To dream you ſee a flock of birds that ſing,
and chirp merrily, promiſes good news; and
that you ſhall ſoon grow rich.