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murmur of life, or ſevere ſentence of a preſent (illegible text)death, may, or ought to prevail, either to move entreat, ſolicit, or perſuad you, I them am and will be the man who does honour in my inward thoughts, the dignity of fo worthy a creature, and praiſing in deepeſt weight, tho' not to your (illegible text)utmoſt value, the eſtimate of ſo incomparable beauty, have reſolved, living to love you and yirg never to ſerve other but you; from whoſe delicate looks, expecting no worſe acceptance man may ſeem anſwerable to ſo divine an excelency: I remain your perpetually devoted, &c.


S I R,
THat men have art and ſkil, by ſundry com-mendable parts enabled, to ſet forth their meaning, there needeth, as I think, no other teſtimony than your preſent writing: Your elo-quence is far beyond the reach of my poor wit, nd the number of your praiſes fitter for a god efs, than to the erection of ſuch an earthly reſs; for my part, & hold them as the fancies and toys of men, iſſuing from the weakneſs of heir humours; and how far myſelf can deſerve, Lone but myſelf can better conceive Being one of the good ſort as you are, I could do no leſs than write again unto you, the rather to ſatis-y the importunity of your preſſing meſſenger. Wiſhing ſuch an one to your lot, as will (illegible text)para-gonize thoſe you write ol, and anſwer every vay unto the ſubſtance of all thoſe ineſtimable (illegible text)raiſes: I leave you and am,

Yonrs, as far as modeſty will permit, &c.