to say wi’ "a good conscience,” at a’ timesand on a’ occasions, that he came ay hame atween ten and eleven.
A few Scotch and English travellers being met together, an Englishman took it upon him to run down the Thistle, exclaimed against the empty boast of its motto; "Nemo me impune lacesset;” when a Scotchman present observed, “ The Thistle, sir, is the pride of the Scottish nation, but it is nothing in the mouth of an Ass.”
A labouring Highlandman, who lived in
- the upper parts of Perthshire, whose wife was
taken in labour, wished him to retire out of the house. Janet says to him.—--“ Qh ! you be gang awa’, Duncan, gang awa’!” The man however kept loitering about the door, seemingly impressed with something of great importance. At last he cries to his wife, “You speak a me, Shanet! you speak a me!” The wife asks, “What you say, Duncan ?”—--‘ Gie the cummer (the midwife) a dram, Shanet, gie the cummer a dram !’’ --—“ What for Duncan ?” Gie the cummer a dram, Shanet am tell him to mak her a laddie