laity were reckoned powerful in the pulpit. After dinner, the worthy senior, in the pride of his heart, asked Mrs Buchan whether she ever had such a party in her house before. "Here sit I,” said he, "a placed minister of the kirk of Scotland, and here sit my three sons, each a placed minister of the same kirk.—--Confess, Luckie Buchan, you never had such a party in your house before.” The question was not premised by any invitation to sit down and take a glass of wine or the like, so Mrs B. answered dryly, "Indeed sir, I cannot just say that ever I had such a party in my house before, ' except once in the forty-five, when I had a Highland piper here, with his three sons, all Highland pipers; and de’il a spring they could play amang them.
One of the towns’ officers of Ayr, was struck severly by accident on the head by his wife.—--After the fray was adjusted, the The wife said to her husband, H------, had I killed you, and I been hanged for it, would you marry Kate M'Lauchlan.
Let him that would be safe avoid seven things:—--wasps, spiders, hyænas, crocodiles, effs, adders, and fine women !