Page:New way of The soldier's return.pdf/2

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The War for many months was o’er
e’er I could reach my native shade.
My friends ne’er thought to see me more,
but wept for me as for the dead.
As I came by the Cottage blaze,
the evening fire was shining bright,
When through the window long I gaz’d,
and saw each friend with fond delight,

My father in a corner sat,
my mother drew her woeful thread,
My brother strove to keep them chat,
my sister bak’d the household bread.
While Jean aft whispered to a friend,
who still let fall a silent tear,
But soon my Jessie's grief will end,
she little knows her Harry’s near.

My mother catch’d her client sighs,
and hid her face behind the rock,
While tears did stand in all their eyes,
but not a single word was spoke.