The javelle water and lemon-juice suggested for ink-stains may also be used to remove iron rust.
TO REMOVE FRUIT STAINS. Make a solution of oxalic acid and water, using about ten grains of the acid to a half pint of water. Wet the article in hot water and then apply the solution of oxalic acid to the spot. Rinse it well after the spot has been removed.
TO REMOVE FRUIT AND INK STAINS. Soak the spot for a few moments in chloroform and then soak it in very strong ammonia. Try a sample of your material first, to be sure that the chloroform and ammonia do not remove the color.
MILDEW is the hardest of all stains to remove, and can not always be taken out successfully. Any of the mediums used for ink and iron-rust may be tried. For silk only, dip a flannel in alcohol and rub briskly, first on one side and then on the other.
PAINT, when fresh, can be softened with vaseline and washed off with benzin. Or, it may be rubbed with equal parts of turpentine and alcohol. If a grease-spot remains, remove it with benzin. Turpentine mixed with a little ammonia is also good. Wash off with soap-suds or benzin.
TO REMOVE CHEWING-GUM hold the under side of the garment over a hot iron until the gum is melted. Then wipe it off with a rag wet with pure alcohol. Do not use the denatured alcohol for this purpose.