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Newes from the Dead.

THere happened lately in this Citty a very rare and remarkeable accident, which being variously and falsely reported amongst the vulgar (as in such cases it is usuall) to the end that none may be deceived, and that so signall an act of Gods mercy and providence may never be forgotten, I have here faithfully recorded it, according to the Information I have received from those that were the chiefe Instruments in bringing this great worke to perfection.

In the house of Sir Thomas Read at Duns-Tew in Oxford-shire, there lived a maid named Anne Greene, born at Steeple-Barton, in the same County, being about 22 years of age, of a middle stature, strong, fleshie, and of an indifferent good feature; who being (as she said) often sollicited by faire promises and other amorous enticements of Mr Jeffery Read Grand-child to the said Sir Thomas, a youth of about 16 or 17 years of age, but of a forward growth and stature, at last contented to satisfy his unlawfull pleasure. By which act (as it afterward appeared) she conceived, and was delivered of a Man-child: which being never made knowne, and the Infant found dead in the house of office, caused a suspition, that she being the mother had murthered it, and throwne it there on purpose to conceale both it and her shame together. Thereupon she was immediatly taken into examination, and carried before severall Justices of the peace in the Countrey: and soone after, in an extreame cold and rainy day, sent unto Oxford Gaole, where having passed about three weekes more in continuall affrights and terrours, in a place as comfortlesse as her condition, she was at a Sessions held in Oxford, arraigned, condemned, and on Saturday the 14 of December last, brought forth to the place of Execution: where, after singing of a Psalme, &
