that were present do testify that she spake very sensibly: onely about a fortnight after, she seemed to remember something of a fellow wrapt up in a blāket, which indeed was the habit of her Executioner.
It is observable also, that when she came to her selfe againe, she fell into the like speeches as she had used in prison before the execution: seeming there to go on where she had so long time left off; like to a Clock whose weights had been taken off a while, and afterwards hung on againe.
That night she was fomented about the sides and other contused places, her neck being very sore, especially on the right side, where it was all black, and began to blister: there appeared also diverse spots of setled bloud on her right check.
Tuesday the 17 in the morning they found her pulse slow, but very unequall: her tongue not very dry nor rough: the night before she slept well; in the morning she arose, but her head was so light that she could hardly stand upright: she now complained of paine beneath the pit of her stomack: she complained also of a deadnesse in the tipp of her tongue, thinking she had bitten it in the time of her suffering: she call'd this day for some bread, which she did eate, being first toasted and moistned in beare. At night when they visited her againe, the paine of her neck and throat was decreased: the spots of setled bloud about her cheek and neck lessened, but the deadnesse of her tongue still remained. That night she slept 6 or7 houres: and on the 18 in the morning had no feaver; her pulse much amended; all Symptomes lessened; the paines in her breast seemed to descend into the region of the belly, being (as 'twas conceived) not in the bowells, but only in the musculous outward parts.
The 19 she was up, and did eat part of a chick. All Symptomes decreased: yet could she not goe, without the help of somewhat to uphold her. Her neck still sore, but mending. The deadnesse of her Tongue lessened. That night she slept well. About foure or five daies after, being hard frosty weather, there appeared a blacknesse over the lower part of her right arme, and upon her flankes on the same side: which by degrees waxed yellow, and in foure or five daies vanished.
By this time, the care of the Physitians was well over. The paines in her breast and side when she drew in her breath, as also the inequality of her pulse (which caused a suspition of a contusion and extravasated bloud spilt on the Lungs) being fully ceased. The deadnesse of her tongue and sorenesse of her neck quite gone. There