- amples, in which some interesting or extraordinary
phase of the crime is put in the emphatic position at the beginning of the story.
After confessing to a shortage of
$21,500 lost in speculation, Robert
Crook, Jr., assistant paying teller of
the Security Loan & Trust Co., was
arrested this afternoon on the charge
of embezzlement.
"I played the ponies and lost," is
William Dieb's explanation of the
theft of $1,200 from Wilson Brothers,
clothiers, 121 Williamson Street,
where for eighteen months he has
been employed as cashier.
On the charge of robbing thousands
of women and other small investors
of nearly $25,000 by fake
mining schemes, Allan Gotham, a
mining broker with offices at 117
Chambers Street, was arrested by
U. S. Marshal Harshaw this morning.
To avenge a beating, Giovanni
Ricci, a laborer, shot and instantly
killed Guiatto Cimbri, section foreman
on the Pennsylvania Railroad,
this noon, near Harcourt Road, just
west of this city. Ricci immediately
disappeared among the freight cars
in the railroad yards near by, and as
the other workmen were unable to
find any trace of him, it is believed
that he boarded a freight train as
it drew out of the yards.
By leaping from his aeroplane at a
height of 2,000 feet, Luis Reveri, a
young Spanish aviator, committed
suicide early today, following a quarrel
late last night with a young
woman to whom he is said to have
been engaged.