Second vice-president—Miss Willa
Secretary—Mrs. Parkins Greene.
Treasurer—Miss Clarice Morgan.
The Social Economics Club met yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Woman's Temple. Mrs. John Robins Bell in a paper on "Industrialism" advocated vocational training in the public schools in connection with the regular school course. Miss Viola Harding sang, accompanied by Miss Alice Lanning.
Banquets and Holiday Celebrations. News
stories of banquets and of various forms of holiday
celebrations are not usually put in the society columns
and are not covered by the society editor. If at a banquet
after-dinner speaking is the important part of
the event, such portions of the speeches as are of great
interest are given the most space. If the speaking is
not a feature, a description is given of the occasion,
and particularly of any interesting incidents or unusual
circumstances. For stories of holiday celebrations, such
as Christmas festivities, a general descriptive lead
serves to introduce accounts of various forms of celebration
by societies, at public institutions, and on the streets.
How such an event as a banquet may be written up at some length in an unconventional manner with enough life and interest to make it entertaining reading, is shown in the following news story taken from the New York Sun:
If you've ever sat in the enemy's
camp when the Blue eleven lunged its
last yard for a touchdown and had
your hair ruffled by the roar that
swept across the gridiron, you can
guess how 1,500 Yale men yelled at
the Waldorf last night for Bill Taft
of '78.