Page:Ngo-dinh Diem Letter to John F. Kennedy February 23, 1963 - NARA - 193707.tif

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February 23, 1963

Dear Mr. President;

The whole Vietnamese people were deeply touched by the message which Your Excellency, as spokesman for the great American democracy, so kindly sent them on the occasion of their New Year Day.

They have welcomed this message as a magnificent and perfect expression of the comprehension and friendship of the American people who have supported them with strong and effective aid in these difficult days of their struggle against communist subversion and aggression.

This is indeed a major source of inspiration for my countrymen who are more than ever determined to redouble their efforts and sacrifices in the year ahead to come near to the final victory that will bring them security and peace, and promote social justice and collective ascent within the framework of the economic development of the country.

In the reverent memory of the noble sons of America who have given their lives in our land for the common cause, I want to thank you cordially, Dear Mr. President, for your wishes which express so well our common aspirations and hopes and to offer the gratitude and admiration of the Vietnamese people to the great nation and people "who have always been willing to pay the dearest costs for liberty."

President of the Republic of Viet-Nam