Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/112

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I hear that the strict application of the Eighteenth Amendment—at least its official application—is destroying one of the Islands' greatest sources of revenue, Mr. Love remarked.

Do you mean to tell me, Gareth demanded indignantly, that that ridiculous law is being enforced on our dependent possessions?

Quite so, Mr. Sumner assured him, probably more rigidly than it is in New York City.

I visited the Virgin Islands once, Mr. Love continued. You know they're named after the eleven thousand that travelled about with St. Ursula. You see, Columbus landed there on St. Ursula's Day.

She said, My dear,
Upon your altars,
I have placed
The marguerite and coquelicot,
And roses
Frail as April snow;
But here, she said,
Where none can see,
I make an offering, in the grass,
Of radishes and flowers.
And then she wept
For fear the Lord would not accept.

quoted Mary.

So you know Wallace Stevens! Gareth cried with enthusiasm.

Not all by heart, but that, and Peter Quince at

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