Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/149

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the Park for the past few months, have you?

Ollie! You know I haven't.

How late did he stay last night?

Oh, he must have left right after you went out.

Well, if he did, he's a fast worker too! What time is he coming in tonight?

Why, how . . . ? Eight-thirty.

Well, run along and get ready. It will take you at least two hours.

Howard was dining 'with them again. He and Olive were going to the theatre. They were merciful to Mary, sparing her further references to the subject on which she was sensitive.

I wish you'd been with us last night, Mary, Howard said.

Where did you go?

Atlantic City Joe's. We felt like slumming.

I never heard of the place. You know I'm not very crazy about cabarets.

I'd never been there before, said Olive. It seems to be a favourite dive of Dick's. There's a loose dancer called Zebra.

What a belly-wobble! cried Howard with enthusiasm. She sang a song which goes:

Not on the first night, baby,
An' mebbe not a-tall!

The whole place is about as big as this room, Olive went on, but there's really more space for dancing than there is at the Black Venus because