Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/159

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Disgusting, she remarked to her companion, that they should permit Niggers in the park!

The pair, without looking back, rode on together.

Mary clutched at Byron's arm and bowed her head.

We were too happy, she moaned. It's a judgment.

Byron's lip was quivering. Mary, he stammered, I haven't told you all the things that have happened to me.

What do you mean?

Things like that.

Oh, she moaned. Why can't they leave us alone or take us in? Can't we live? Can't we breathe without being subjected to these insults? Looks! Words! I'd prefer the lash. Slavery! Well, we knew where we were then!

They started to walk away.

Mary, Byron said quietly, this sort of thing happens to me every day.

Poor boy! I was afraid to ask you.

I answer advertisements for clerks, for secretaries. I'm insulted by office-boys, even, he added bitterly, by our own people: porters, elevator boys. You's puttin' on ahs, you shine, one of them said to me the other day. Why doan you git down an' work where you belongs?

That's the worst, what our own people do, Mary said. Do you know that the Underwoods dined