Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/276

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She led him upstairs. The drawing-room was empty. Byron paced impatiently back and forth.

At last he saw Adora coming towards him down the stairs.

Where is Lasca? he demanded.

Adora was in the room now. Sit down, please, she invited him, adding, I haven't the slightest idea.

Byron ignored the invitation.

How did you find me then? he inquired.

All Harlem knows where you've been passing your time. I told my chauffeur to keep the car standing outside until you came out alone. It's not been very convenient for me to do without my automobile for two days.

Then why did you do it? To what special kind of interest am I indebted for this attention?

Oh, please sit down and stop shouting at me.

He obeyed her. After all, perhaps she knew something. Perhaps she could help him find her.

Adora, seated facing him, inquired, Has she left you?

Yes. No! What do you mean?

So you've lost her. Well, let me tell you something: you'll never see her again, at least not on the same terms.

You know . . . ! he shot out.

I know this much, she interrupted him, that when Lasca's through, she's through.

You're a liar!

Adora paused for a moment before she replied.