Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/84

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greeted him. Rest your coat, please. Now we can have some music.

Isn't it a little early for music? Webb protested.

Of course, I'll give you some coffee first.

While Hester was out of the room, every one sat about in more or less open discomfort, that is every one but Mrs. Albright. Now and again, for no apparent reason, Mrs. Gladbrook tossed back her head and giggled. Fortunately, she was sitting behind Mrs. Albright who, at intervals, muttered with great ferocity, Certainly not! Presently Hester returned with a tray on which was set out a Sheffield service, very old and lovely, Mary thought, flanked by delicate porcelain cups.

You pour, mama, Hester suggested.

Is it still raining? Orville inquired of the late-comers.

I think it has stopped, Conrad Gladbrook replied.

His wife giggled nervously.

It's stopped raining, mama, Hester announced.

I never said it hadn't, her mother replied testily. Will you take cream, Mrs. Gladbrook?

Please, that lady barely whispered.

I asked you if you take cream? Mrs. Albright thundered.

She says she'll have some, mama.

I say: Webb was addressing Mary, I've been to see your exhibition. It's too wonderful!

Mary thanked him, but did not pursue the subject. It seemed to her that she had heard enough about