Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/22

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A.D. 524. 18th year, Spring, 1st month. The Pèkché Heir Apparent, Myöng,[1] assumed the (Royal) dignity.

A.D. 526. (XVII. 18.) 20th year, Autumn, 9th month, 13th day. The capital was removed to Tamaho in Ihare.[2] [In one book it says 7th year.]

A.D. 527. 21st year, Summer, 6th month, 3rd day. Afumi no Kena no Omi, in command of an army of 60,000 men, was about to proceed to Imna, in order to re-establish and unite to Imna South Kara and Tök-să-thăn, which had been conquered by Silla, when Ihawi, Tsukushi no Kuni no Miyakko, secretly plotted rebellion, so that there was a delay of several years. Fearing that the matter would be hard to accomplish, he was constantly watching a favourable opportunity. Silla, knowing this, secretly practised bribery with Ihawi, and encouraged him to oppose the passage of Kena no Omi's army. Hereupon Ihawi occupied the two provinces of Hi[3] and Toyo,[4] and would not allow the taxes to be paid. Abroad he intercepted the route by sea, and led astray the yearly tribute ships from the countries of Koryö, Pèkché, Silla, and Imna, while at home he blocked the way for Kena no Omi's army which was being sent to Imna. He lifted up his voice in abusive language, saying:—"Thou who hast now become an envoy wast formerly my companion. We rubbed shoulders and touched elbows; we ate the same food from the same vessels. How (XVII. 19.) canst thou lightly be made an envoy, and make me come freely and prostrate myself before thee?" He at length fought and would not receive him; he was haughty and self-conceited. For this reason Kena no Omi was prevented midways from proceeding on his journey, and was detained. The Emperor addressed Kanamura, Ohotomo no Ohomuraji, Arakahi, Mononobe no Ohomuraji, and Wobito, Kose no Oho-omi, saying:—"Ihawi of Tsukushi has rebelled, and has occupied the territory of the western wilds. Whom shall we now make general?" Ohotomo no Ohomuraji and the others all said:—"For uprightness, humane bravery, and acquaintance with military matters there is at present no one who goes out to the right of[5] Arakahi." The Emperor said:—"Be it so."

  1. His name was Myöngnye 明禮.
  2. Back again to Yamato.
  3. Now Hizen and Higo.
  4. Buzen and Bungo.
  5. i.e. excels. This is a Chinese phrase. The left is now the honourable side; at one time the right was so.