Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/352

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spans in circumference. Moreover, the province of Inaba sent tribute of auspicious rice, each stem of which had branches.

A.D. 680. 9th year, Spring, 1st month, 8th day. The Emperor occupied the Little Opposite Palace, where he gave a banquet to the Princes and Ministers in the Court of the Great Hall. On this day he granted a surname[1] to Kobito, Imbe no Obito, and called him Muraji. Accordingly he presented his joyful acknowledgments along with his younger brother Shikobuchi.

17th day. All from the Princes of the Blood down to the officials of Shōken rank engaged in archery at the Smith Gate.

20th day. It was reported from the Province of Settsu that at the village of Ikuta, peach trees and plum trees had borne fruit.

2nd month, 18th day. A sound resembling that of drums was heard in the Eastern quarter.

26th day. There was a man who said:—"I got a deer's horn on Mount Katsuraki. This horn branches into two at the root. It is united at the end, and has flesh, over which flesh there is hair. The hair is one inch in length. Thinking this wonderful, I offer it as a present to the Emperor." It was, perhaps, the horn of a Lin.[2]

27th day. Eight Silla labourers were sent back to their own country. The Emperor graciously bestowed presents on them, varying in the case of each.

3rd month, 10th day. The Province of Settsu sent tribute of (XXIX. 27.) a white shitodo.[3]

23rd day. The Emperor went to Aki in Uda.

Summer, 4th month, 10th day. Worship was paid to the Deities of Hirose and Tatsuta.

11th day. A fire broke out in the nuns' quarters of the Tachibana Temple.[4] Ten rooms were burnt.

  1. This is not really a grant of a surname, but a step in the ranks of the nobility, as from an earl to a marquis.
  2. One of the four supernatural creatures of Chinese tradition, and regarded as a happy portent, on its alleged appearance, of the advent of good government. It has the body of a deer, the tail of an ox, and a single horn.
  3. Described as a small bird of a reddish colour, resembling a sparrow. It has a ring round the eyes, and black spots on the wings. It frequents mountains.
  4. In Yamato, founded by Shōtoku Daishi.