Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/424

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by the district of Sarara in the province of Kahachi. The Governor and Vice-Governor of the district of Sarara received each a grade of rank and presents, and the rank of Shin-kwō-ni was granted to Karakuni, Osakabe no Miyakko, who had caught it. He also received presents.

Autumn, 7th month, 4th day. Inspectors[1] were sent to the provinces.

15th day. Envoys were sent to pray to the Great Abstinence Deity of Hirose and to the Wind-gods of Tatsuta.

8th month, 17th day. One hundred and four priests were made to enter religion for the sake of the Imperial Princess Asuka.

9th month, 1st day. There was an eclipse of the sun.

4th day. The Empress proceeded to the Palace of Yoshino.

22nd day. Prince Mino, of Jō-kwō-shi rank, was appointed Viceroy of Tsukushi.

Winter, 10th month, 20th day. The rank of Shin-dai-shi (XXX. 36.) was bestowed on a man of the district of Araki, in the province of Hida, named Otokunibe no Otohi, who had caught a white bat. He also received a present of four hiki of coarse silk, four bundles of floss silk, and ten tan of cloth, and his house was exempted from all forced labour whatever during his life.

11th month, 26th day. There was an amnesty for criminals, from those guilty of capital crimes downwards.

12th month, 6th day. The Empress removed her residence to the Palace of Fujihara.

9th day. The public functionaries paid their respects at Court.

10th day. Presents of various values were made to all from the Princes of the Blood down to the Governors of districts, consisting of coarse silk, floss silk, and cloth.

12th day. A banquet was given to the Ministers and Daibu.

A.D. 695.) 9th year, Spring, 1st month, 5th day. The rank of Jō-kwō-ni was conferred on the toneri of Imperial Princes.

7th day. An entertainment was given to the Ministers and Daibu within the inner precinct (of the Palace).

15th day. Firewood was presented to the Empress.

16th day. An entertainment was given to the public functionaries.

  1. Jun-satsu-shi.