Page:Nil Durpan.djvu/55

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Planter.   Be silent, thou child of the sow! This Ramkant is very sweet. (Strikes with Ramkanta and also kicks him.)

Torapa.   Oh! Oh! my mother, I am now dead. My uncle Prana, give me a little water; I die for water. My father, father!

Rose.   Shall not filth be discharged into your mouth?

(Strikes with his shoes

Torapa.   Whatever thou shalt say, I shall do. Before God, I ask pardon of thee, my Lord.

Rose.   Now the villain has left his wickedness. To-night all must be sent to the court. Just write to the Attorney, that as long as the evidence is not given, not one of these shall be let out. The Agent shall go with them. (To the Third Ryot) Why art thou crying ? (Gives a kick).

Third Ryot.   Bou,[1] where art thou? These are murdering me. O my mother! Bou! my mother! I am killed, I am killed. (Falls upside down on the ground).

Rose.   Thou, stupid, art become (bawra) mad.

(Exit Mr. Rose

Gopi.   Now, Torapa, have you got your full of the onion and the shoe?

Torapa.   Oh Dewanji, preserve me by giving a little water. I am on the point of death.

Gopi.   The Indigo warehouse and the steam engine room, these are places where the sweat shoots forth and water is drunk. Now, all of you come with me, that you may at once drink water.

(Exit all

  1. Bou: Bengali word for 'wife'.

