District of Ningpo.
Kong keao 江口 (Stream's mouth) is a small village of one street on the right bank of a wide stream, crossed, though fordable in the dry season, by a substantial roofed bridge. This bridge is lined on the village or southern side, for about a hundred feet, with small shops and idol depositaries.
Proceding from kong-keao to Ning-kong jow * the course, to the right of a seven storied Pagoda on the hill over the north bank of the stream, is about N. by W. the distance 14 miles. The road, or pathway, about five feet wide, is laid with round and rough dark red granite blocks. Road ways of similar description, in some cases improved with a centre line of flat slabs, are found to run between most of the villages and thorough-fares throughout the province (Chekiang);—stone tablets here and there bearing and immortalizing the names of the individuals by whose means the works were effected.
The most unpleasant part of the travelling in this quarter is the continued sight of and effluvia from ordure pans and necessaries on the sides of the road. In half a dozen hours' travelling, as many as half a hundred of these necessaries are to be seen, and of pans,
* The Chinese characters for this as well as the names of the other places mentioned will be found in a separate index.