Page:No and Yes.djvu/36

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“driven about by every wind of doctrine.” Such philosophy has certainly not touched the hem of the Christ garment.

Leibnitz, Descartes, Fichte, Hegel, Spinoza, Bishop Berkeley, were once clothed with a “brief authority;” but Berkeley ended his metaphysical theory with a treatise on the healing properties of tar-water, and Hegel was an inveterate snuff-taker. The circumlocution and cold categories of Kant fail to improve the conditions of mortals, morally, spiritually, or physically. Such miscalled metaphysical systems are reeds shaken by the wind. Compared with the inspired wisdom and infinite meaning of the Word of Truth, they are as moonbeams to the sun, or as Stygian night to the kindling dawn.

Is There a Personal Devil?

No man hath seen the person of good or of evil. Each is greater than the corporeality we behold.

“He cast out devils,” This record shows that the term devil is generic, being used in the plural number. From this it follows that there is more than one devil. That Jesus cast several persons out of another person, is not stated, and is impossible. Hence the passage must refer to the evils which were cast out.

Jesus defined devil as a mortal who is full of evil. “Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” His definition of evil indicated his ability to cast it out. An