increases, and Christians more and more learn their duty to believe all things written in the Scriptures, will such manifestations of God's power increase among us.” Such sentiments are wholesome avowals of Christian Science. God is not unable or unwilling to heal, and mortals are not compelled to have other gods before Him, and employ material forms to meet a mental want. The divine Spirit supplies all human needs. Jesus said to the sick, “Thy sins are forgiven thee; rise up and walk!” God's pardon is the destruction of all “the ills that flesh is heir to.”
All power belongs to God; and it is not in all the vain power of dogma and philosophy to dispossess the divine Mind of healing power, or to cast out error with error, even in the name and for the sake of Christ, and so heal the sick. While Science is engulfing error in bottomless oblivion, the material senses would enthrone error as omnipotent and omnipresent, with power to determine the fact and fate to being. It is said that the devil is the ape of God. The He of evil holds its own by declaring itself both true and good. The path of Christian Science is beset with false claimants, aping its virtues, but cleaving to their own vices. Denial of the authorship of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” would make a lie the author of Truth, and so make Truth itself a lie.
A distinguished clergyman came to be healed. He said: “I am suffering from nervous prostration, and have to eat beefsteak and drink strong coffee to support me through a sermon.” Here a skeptic might well ask if the atone-