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  • Attorney General—John G. Sargent of Vermont.
  • Postmaster General—Harry S. New of Indiana.
  • Secretary of the Navy—Curtis D. Wilbur of California.
  • Secretary of the Interior—Hubert Work of Colorado.
  • Secretary of Agriculture—William M. Jardine of Kansas.
  • Secretary of Commerce—Herbert Hoover of California.
  • Secretary of Labor—John J. Davis of Pennsylvania.


The Kansas Court of Industrial Relations is now out of court. *** M. W. Duffy has located at Cooperstown; L. D. Gooler moved from Rolla to Devils Lake. *** Wonderful—62,014 statutes and 65,379 decisions of courts of last resort presented to the American people in a five-year period. *** President Coolidge signed an Act of Congress recently providing for the establishment of a probation system in the U. S. Courts. Salaried probation officers are included in the terms of the bill. *** One Year’s Work—175,000 pages of American court reports, 5,000 pages of British reports; over 10,000 American criminal homicides, only 100 British. May there be something vital in a proper direction of work? *** “The crying need is for legal and judicial reform that will make our courts more efficient,” says Victor Rosewater in April American Bar Association Journal. It seems as if we had heard that statement before. *** Do you find it difficult to maintain your faith, when: a new trial is granted because the indictment said “Smith and Weston” revolver instead of “Smith and Wesson”; a case is reversed because the verdict said “guilty as charged” and failed to state the amount stolen; a conviction on 50 counts is set aside because one count charged the defendant as “Holdberg” instead of “Goldberg”; an indictment is quashed because one of the prosecuting officers was present in the Grand Jury room during part of the deliberations; judges privately state that the case had the appearance of a “frame-up,” but officially declare that the decision must be sustained because there is nothing to indicate that the trial court abused its discretion?

Senate Bills Effective April 1, 1925

1. Delinquent taxes—tax sales and redemption therefrom.
7. Appropriation $1525.48 to cover deficit in Mine Inspection Dept.