Page:Northern Antiquities 1.djvu/205

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with a silver bridle, and his head, surrounded with stars. FRIGGA ftood at the left hand of Thor; fhe was reprefented of both fexes (as an hermaphrodite) and with di- vers other attributes, which characterized the goddefs of pleaſure. Odin was in- voked as the god of battles and victory. Thor, as the governor of the feafons, who difpenfed rains, dry weather and fertility. Frigga as the goddess of pleafures, of love and marriage. I do not here enter into a minute account of the worship rendered to the other gods: That which was paid to the three fuperior deities confifted principally in facrifices, and deferves to be defcribed more at large.

There were three great religious feftivals in the year. The firft was celebrated at the winter folftice. They called the night on which it was obferved, the MOTHER-NIGHT, as that which produced all the reft: and this epoch was rendered the more remarkable as they dated from thence the beginning of the year, which among the northern nations was computed from one winter folftice to another, as the month was from one new moon to the next. This feaft which was very considerable, was named Iuul[1], and

  1. Hence is derived the word Yeol or Yule, [Ang. Sax. Geol,] the old name for Christmas. Vide Junii Etymolog. Anglican. T.