( 370 )
(370) Goths, even while they were involved in the thickeft darkneſs of paganifm, had fome knowledge of letters*.
- An evident proof that
the RUNIC were not imi- tated from the ROMAN letters, arifes not only from their form which have fo little refemblance to thefe, but from their number, (being but fix- teen) and their order and names, which have no- thing in common with the ROMAN, GREEK or Go- THIC characters of Ul- philas: Let the reader truft to his own eyes. The RUNIC Alphabet. Name, Fie Ur Dufs Oys Ridhur Kaun Hagl Figure, V n b 1 RP X Power, F. U. D. O. R. K. Nandur Jis Aar Sol Tyr Biarkan B N. I. A. S. T. B. Lagur Madur Yr P L. M. YR. The GOTHIC Alphabet by ULPHILAS. Figure, BraЄk Ghi Power, A. B. G. D. E. F. I or Y. H. I. KA MN Q&ПOKS K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. ΤΨΗΝ YXN T. TH. U. QU. W or U. CH. Z. What