Page:Northern Antiquities 1.djvu/45

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( xxvi )

Specimens of the Gothic Languages.

The ancient Gothic of Ulphilas[1].

Atta unsar thu in Himinam. 1. Veihnai Namo thein. 2. Quimai thiudinassus theins. 3. Vairthai Vilja theins, sue in Himina, jah ana Airthai. 4. Hlaif unsarana thana sinteinan gif uns himmadaga. 5. Jah aflet uns thatei Sculans sijaima sua sue jah veis afletam thaim Skulam unsaraim. 6. Jah ni bringais uns in Fraistubnjai. 7. Ak lausei uns af thamma Ubilin. Amen.

[From Chamberlayn’s Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere Gentium Linguas versa, &c. Amst. 1715. 4to. p. 53. and from Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica Ed. Edw. Lye. Oxon. 1750. 4to. p. 9.]

The Ancient Languages derived from the Gothic.



Cimbric, or old Icelandic.

Uren Fader, thic arth in Heofnas. 1. Sie gehalgud thin Noma. 2. To cymeth thin Ryc. 3. Sie thin Willa sue is in Heofnas, and in Eortho. 4. Uren Hlaf oferwistlic sel us to daeg. 5. And forgefe us Scylda urna, sue we forgefan Scyldgum urum. 6. And no inlead usig in Custnung. 7. Ah. gefrig usich from Ifle. Amen.

[From Chamberlayn, p. 56.]

Fater unser thu thar bist in Himile. 1. Si geheilagot thin Namo. 2. Queme thin Rihhi. 3. Si thin Willo, so her in Himile ist o si her in Erdu. 4. Unsar Brot tagalihhaz gib uns huitu. 5. Inti furlaz uns nusara Sculdi so uuir furlazames unsaron Sculdigon. 6. Inti ni gileitest unsih in Costunga. 7. Uzouh arlosi unsi fon Ubile. Amen.

[From Chamberlayn, p. 61.]

Fader uor, som est i Himlum. 1. Halgad warde thitt Nama. 2. Tilkomme thitt Rikie. 3. Skie thin Vilie, so som i Himmalam, so och po Iordannè. 4. Wort dachlicha Brodh gif os i dagh. 5. Ogh forlat os uora Skuldar, so som ogh vi forlate them os Skildighe are. 6. Ogh inled os ikkie i Frestalsan. 7. Utan frels os ifra Ondo. Amen.

[From Chamberlayn, p. 54.]

  1. This is also called Moeso-Gothic, being the Dialect of the Goths in Moesia, where Ulphilas was Bishop. See below, p. 366.