Page:Northern Antiquities 2.djvu/14

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8 Fab. Of the Holy City, or Residence of the Gods. p. 49
9 Fab. Of the Cities which are in Heaven. p. 57
10 Fab. Of the Gods to be believed in. p. 61
11 Fab. Of the God Thor, the son of Odin. p. 65
12 Fab. Of the God Balder. p. 70
13 Fab. Of the God Frey, and the Goddess Freya. p. 76
14 Fab. Of the God Tyr. p. 79
15 Fab. Of Heimdall, and some other Gods. p. 82
16 Fab. Of Loke. p. 85
17 Fab. Of the Wolf Fenris. p. 90
18 Fab. Of the Goddesses. p. 96
19 Fab. Of Frey and Girde. p. 102
20 Fab. Of the Food of the Gods. p. 105
21 Fab. Of the Horse Sleipner, and his origin. p. 112
22 Fab. Of the Ship of the Gods. p. 116
23 Fab. Of the God Thor. p. 117
24 Fab. Of Thialfe’s art. p. 125
25 Fab. Of the Trials that Thor underwent. p. 126
26 Fab. The Illusions accounted for. p. 129