Page:Northern Antiquities 2.djvu/244

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artifice that had been practised, and changing himself also into an Eagle, flew with all speed after Odin; who had almost reached the gates of Asgard. Then the Gods all ran out of their palaces to assist and support their master; and foreseeing that he would have much difficulty to secure the liquor, without exposing himself to the danger of being taken, they immediately set out all the vessels they could lay their hands on. In effect, Odin finding he could not escape but by easing himself of that burden which retarded his flight, instantly filled all the pitchers with this miraculous liquor: and from hence it hath been distributed among both Gods and men. But in the hurry and confusion in which the liquor was discharged, the bulk of mankind were not aware that Odin only threw up part of it through his beak; the rest was emitted from a more impure vent: And as it is only the former liquor that this God gives as a Beverage to the good Poets, to such as he would animate with a divine inspiration: so it is only the latter fort that falls to the share of bad Rhymers; for as this flowed from its inferior source in greatest abundance, the Gods bestow it in liberal draughts on all that will apply; this makes the crowd very great about the vessels, and this is the reason why the world