Page:Northern Antiquities 2.djvu/316

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shields. The far-sounding trumpet animates the combatants; the darts pierce them thro’, the sharp iron severs their limbs, so that almost all seem devoted to death.

A gallant warrior, named Grunder, was present at that engagement; whose sword was accustomed to break in pieces the best tempered buckler, and whose slaughter fattened the hungry wolves. He held the rank of Duke in Harec’s kingdom: full of ardour in the combat, whether he fought with the sword or lance, he had sent many a fair corpse to the regions of death. This valiant Hero threw himself into the thickest of the battle, and laying prostrate at his feet a multitude of warriors covered with sweat and blood, he devoted them a prey to the savage beasts. Count Eric, enflamed with rage and vengeance, hastened to oppose the progress of this chief: but a shower of darts laid him in the dust, and forced his immediate followers to retire: the rest of his soldiers feeing him prostrate on the earth, cast their shields away, and saved themselves by a speedy flight. The conquerors shed rivers of blood among the vanquished, and raising the shout of joy dreadful to hear, hack with their swords the shields of their enemies. These hastily fly to the woods, leaving the field of battle spread over with the ghastly corps of their