William Hann, and for information re the Hann expedition, the Etheridge and Gilbert Rivers, etc.
GREEN, D., Townsville. For many contributions of newspaper articles re northern explorers and pioneers, and for gratuitous advertisements in the newspapers controlled by him with the object of eliciting information required by me.
HEERES, J. E., LL.D., formerly Professor at the Dutch Colonial Institute, Delft, afterwards at the University of Leiden. For permission to quote from the English translation of his exhaustive work on The Part borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia, 1606-1765, and to his publishers, " The Late E. J. Brill Company, Limited," Leiden, for their consent.
HEY, REV. NICHOLAS, late of the Mapoon Aboriginal Mission. For geographical and ethnological notes ; for notes on explorations by the missionaries, and especially for assisting in the identification of what I believe to be " Coen Revier " of the " Pera " and " Aernem " Expedition.
JOHNSON, L., Sydney. For special care in the reproduction of old portraits from originals in some instance faded or damaged.
JONES, REV. JOHN, Church of England Board of Missions, Sydney. For information re Aborigines of the Mitchell Delta, etc.
LEAKE, MRS., Merriula, Maxwellton, Queensland. For portrait of her father, Thomas Tate ; for documents relating to the wreck of the " Maria" in which he took part, and for other information.
LEES, WILLIAM, Brisbane. For assistance and encouragement in my work. For several years back he continually contributed any writing which came under his observation as a journalist, and which appeared to bear on the subject of my study. His extensive knowledge of the North of Queensland and his wide reading enabled him to amass knowledge most useful to me.
LOVE, JAMES SIMPSON, Townsville. For information regarding recent developments in North Queensland. He was the youngest member of my Second Expedition (1879-80), and has since been in a position to acquire a very intimate knowledge of the Cape York Peninsula.
MACGREGOR, THE LATE SIR WILLIAM, G.C.M.G., etc. Administrator and Lieutenant Governor of British New Guinea, Governor of Lagos, Governor of Newfoundland and Governor of Queensland. But for his death (on 4th July, 1919) this book would have been dedicated to him in grateful recognition of his services to science and of his personal and stimulating interest in my geographical and geological work and in the historical questions which I had under investigation. He wrote me on 29th December, 1916 : " I am glad to learn that you have on the stocks a work of the kind you mention. I should indeed consider it a very real honour to have it dedicated to me, for I know well that it would be the standard of reference for future generations when personally we are long off the scene."
MACINTOSH, HUGH, Brisbane. For portraits of Sir Augustus Gregory and Sir Thomas Mcllwraith, and for a mass of information re explorations, surveys, dates, names, etc., in answer to my inquiries extending over the last decade. His long experience in the Survey Office made him an unrivalled authority on such matters.