course of time he directed his activities, with the assistance of his
elder son, chiefly to pearl- shelling among the islands of the Coral
Sea. He DIED at Somerset on i8th March, 1919, after a short illness,
having retained his vigour almost to the last. It is said that he
kept a DIARY, covering the whole of his northern life. It is to be
hoped that this diary will be given to the public. It should be an
historical record such as very few men have had the opportunity
of compiling.
EULAH, one of the black boys who came with the Brothers to Somerset in 1865, settled down there with Frank. He was a member of a party of white men and friendly blacks who were surprised and KILLED by the NATIVES in a hut at Vallack Point a few years later.[1]
- ↑ A. Meston, " A Tour in North Queensland," Queenslander, 16th-30th January, 1897.