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Page:Northmost Australia volume 1.djvu/88

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in his great work, The Life of TasmanJ- describes it as having been " drawn up immediately after the (1644) expedition and under the eye of Tasman himself." It may, indeed, be a copy of the chart forwarded with the Report by the Governor-General and Council at Batavia to the Directors in Holland. It was reproduced by JACOB SWART in his Journaal van de Reis nar het Onbekende Zuidland in den Jare 1642 door Abel Janszoon Tasman (Amsterdam, 1860), and HEERES, in his Life of Tasman gives a version of it, with the place-names and other inscriptions translated into English.

The names along the west coast of the Cape York Peninsula in the charts reproduced by Swart and Heeres are as in Column I of the table below, and the latitudes as in Columns II and III ; but the small scale of the map, together with a " personal equation " resulting from mechanical differences in drawing between the two maps, makes it impossible, in some cases, to be certain of the posi- tions indicated within a few minutes of latitude.

I. Names. II. Swart. III. Heeres. Water Plaets 11 o' 11 0' Staeten Revier ..... 11 50' n 54' Prince Revier ..... 12 18' 12 13' Revier mit Bosch ..... 12 33' 12 3 0' Revier Carpentier 13 6' 12 48' Vliege Baij ...... I 3 12' I 3 12' Revier Coen ..... 13 30' I 3 2 7 ' Visscher's Revier 13 42' 13 V' Cap Keerweer ..... 14 36' 14 36' Vereenigde Revier .... 15 12' 15 6' Water Plaets 15 28' 15 30' Revier Nassau ..... 15 46' 15 48' Revier Pera 16 o' 16 15' Revier Arnhera ..... 16 6' 16 30' Staten Revier ..... 16 30' 16 47' Hier toe hebbe dersomig en de Keergewrog 17 o' 17 o' Van Diemen's Revier .... i? 30' 17 33' Van Der Lijn's Revier ....

Caron Revier I7~47' 17 48'

1 The full title is : A bel Janszoon Tasman' s Journal, of his Discovery of Van Diemen's Land and New Zealand in 1642, with Documents relating to his Exploration of Australia in 1644, being Photo-lithographic Fac-Similes of the Original Manuscript in the Colonial Archives of the Hague, with an English Translation and Fac-Similes of Original Maps ; To which are added Life and Labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman, by J. E. Heeres, LL.D., Professor at the Dutch Colonial Institute, Delft, and Observations made with the Compass on Tasman' s Voyage by Dr. W. Van Bemmelen, Assistant Director of the Royal Meteoro- logical Institute, Utrecht. Amsterdam, 1898.
It is almost needless to say that the greater part of the facts quoted in this chapter relating to Tasman's voyage are borrowed from this exhaustive work, for which Professor Heeres is peculiarly qualified not only because of the exceptional opportunities enjoyed by him for obtaining access to the original documents, but also because of his critical and judicial mind. He is, however, not at all responsible for the views and comments herein. I may claim, perhaps, better opportunities for access to Australian documents and charts. R. L. J.