Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/25

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concluded by the King in the name of the state with foreign powers, except secret articles, which, however, must not be contrary to the public;

h) to summon any one, except the Royal family, to appear before it in state-affairs; yet this exception does not regard the Royal Princes in case they should be invested with any office;

i) to review the provisional lists of military pay or allowances, and to make the alterations in them which they should think necessary;

k) to appoint five Reviewers whose duty shall be every year to review the state-accounts and publish extracts of it in print, for which purpose the said accounts shall be communicated to the reviewers every year before the 1st of July;

l) to naturalize foreigners.

§. 76.

Every law shall previously be proposed at the Odels-Thing, either by its own members, or by government through a counsellor of state. When the bill is past there, it shall be sent to the Lag-Thing which either consents to it or rejects it, and in the latter case, it is sent back with remarks added to it. These are taken into consideration by the Odels-Thing which either may put aside the bill or send it a second time to the Lag-Thing with or without