Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/35

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§. 109.

Every citizen of the state is in general equally bound to defend his native country during a certain time, without any regard to birth or fortune. The application of this ruie and the restrictions it ought to suffer is left to the determination of the next ordinary National Assembly after having acquired all the informations possible by a committee, elected before the conclusion of the present session of the National Assembly. In the mean while the present rules shall continue.

§. 110.

This Constitution, when sanctioned by the National Assembly, becomes the fundamental law of the Kingdom.

If experience should prove, that any part of it ought to be altered, a proposal concerning that affair shall be made in an ordinary session of the National Assembly and be published in print. But it is the business of the next National Assembly to decide, whether the alteration proposed shall take place or not. Yet such an alteration must never be inconsistent with the principles of this fundamentel law, but only concern modifications in particular cases, which do not alter the spirit of this Constitution, to which alteration the consent of two thirds of the National Assembly is required.