Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/40

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This old Kingdom calls for a King, but he should no more be a despot in the form than in the government; — no he should be the first friend and father to his people. This the people expects to find in me, and its confidence is to me a sacred calling, notwithstanding the dangers and pains that attend me, entirely to devote myself to the welfare and glory of Norway.

With these honest views, and strengthened by a confidence on the assistance of God Almighty, I hope to answer the expectations of this nation.

I accept the crown of Norway as the gift of a constant and sincere people, as a pledge of its attachment to me and my royal family.

I promise and swear to reign the Kingdom of Norway according to its Constitution and Laws; so help me God and his holy word.

Eidswold, the 19th of May 1814.

Christian Frederik.

We the Signed, chosen by the Deputies of the Norwegian people to publish in print the transactions of the National Assembly do hereby attest, that this fundamental law of the Kingdom of Norway and the documents annexed to it, are, word for word, conformable to the chief records of the National Assembly.

Christiania, the 31st of May 1814.

G. Sverdrup. L. Stoud Platou. Omsen.