Page:Nostradamus (1961).djvu/345

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Scorpio, Venus in Pisces, Mercury for a month in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the Moon in Aquarius, the Dragon’s head in Libra: its tail in op- position following a conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury with a quadrature of Mars and Mercury, and the Dragon’s head coinciding with a conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter. And the year without an eclipse peaceful.

42. But not everywhere. It will mark the commencement of what will long endure. For beginning with this year the Christian Church will be persecuted more fiercely than it ever was in Africa,[1] and this will last up to the year 1792, which they will believe to mark a renewal of time.[2]

43. After this the Roman people will begin to re-establish themselves, chasing away some obscure shadows and recovering a bit of their ancient glory. But this will not be without great division and continual changes. Thereafter Venice will raise its wings very high in great force and power, not far short of the might of ancient Rome.

44. At that time the great sails of Byzantium, allied with the Ligurians[3]and through the support and power of “Aquilon” [the Northern Realm], will impede them so greatly that the two Cretans will be unable to maintain their faith. The arks[4] built by the Warriors of ancient times will accompany them to the waves of Neptune. In the Adriatic great discord will arise, and that which will have been united will be separated. To a house will be reduced that which was, and is, a great city, including the “Pampotamia” and “Mesopotamia”[5] of Europe at 45, and others of 41, 42 and 37[6] degrees.

45. It will be at this time and in these countries that the infernal power will set the power of its adversaries against the Church of Jesus Christ. This will constitute the second Antichrist, who will persecute that Church and its true Vicar, by means of the power of three temporal kings who in their ignorance will be seduced by tongues which, in the hands of the madmen, will cut more than any sword.

46. The said reign of the Antichrist will last only to the death of him who was born at the beginning of the age and of the other one of Lyon, associated with the elected one of the House of Modena[7] and of Ferrara, maintained by the Adriatic Ligurians[8] and the proximity of great Sicily. Then the Great St. Bernard will be passed.

  1. Presumed to be the Vandal persecution (439-534).
  2. See Commentary on this much-noted date.
  3. I.e., a Turco-Genoese alliance.
  4. Or “arches.”
  5. See notes 53 and 54 on opposite page. Both may refer to Avignon, between the Rhéne and the Durance rivers, and the 14th-century capital of Christendom. (In 10100 “Pampotamia” is England.) See Commentary.
  6. Or 47.
  7. A very tentative translation. See note opposite.
  8. The Genoese of the Adriatic are presumably the Venetians.