Page:Not understood - and other poems (IA notunderstoodoth00braciala).pdf/50

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Not Understood

Long weary months of loneliness soon grew to dreary years,
But hope was ever at her side to gild her falling tears,
And every ocean breeze that brought the music of the main
Unto her ear, sang “Let them stay till I come back again.’

The echoes of his last farewell were sung by Spring’s blithe birds,
And Summer’s zephyrs breathed soft her Sailor’s parting words;
And all the wintry midnight gusts sighed sadly ’gainst each pane,
And through each nook, “Oh, let them stay till I come back again.”

For nearly three score years in hope she listened for his voice,
But yet no tidings came of him—the husband of her choice ;
Then putting on her bridal robes when earthly hopes were vain,
She sought him where devoted souls are sure to meet again.