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And Other Poems.


TIS grand to hear the trumpet clear,
  When it calls the soldier on,
To prove his might in the field of fight,
  Where valiant deeds are done;
And the gallant tread of the troops when led
By their leader’s flashing blade.
Sounds loud and true—but there’s music too
In the tramp of the Fire Brigade.
          No prouder tramp
          In field or camp,
        On march or on parade,
          Than the Firemen’s tread
          As they rush ahead
        Hurrah for the Fire Brigade!

The flames flash high, and the lurid sky
  Reflects the fiery glare;
And the inmates shriek, and the timbers creak,
And the crackling rafters flare;
  And the deep-toned bell, with brazen knell,
  Makes frantic cries for aid;
Keep back, keep back, and clear the track—
  Make room for the Fire Brigade!
          No prouder tramp
          In field or camp,
        On march or on parade,
          Than the Firemen’s tread
          As they rush ahead,
        Hurrah for the Fire Brigade!