Page:Not understood - and other poems (IA notunderstoodoth00braciala).pdf/88

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Not Understood

Three hundred lion-hearted warriors
Assembled with Riwi, to fan the flame
Of deadly hatred to the Pakeha
Into a vengeful blaze at Orakau.
Chanting the deeds of their ancestors,
They cried aloud—“Me mate te tangata,
Me mate mo te whenua!”—which means:—
“The warriors’ death is to die for the land!”

          Roaring for blood, our early gun
            Rent the clouds like a thunder-clap;
          Carey cried, “There’s work to be done!”
            Close to the walls we pushed the sap

          “Ready, lads, with your hand grenades,
            Ready, lads, with your rifles true;
          Ready, lads, with your trusty blades.
            Ready, lads, with your bayonets too.”

          “Now for the Armstrongs, let them roar;
            Death unto those that laugh at peace—”
          Into their nest our volleys pour—
            “Steady there!—let the firing cease.”

          ’Tis Cameron’s voice—“Tell the foe
            To leave the pah, their lives we’ll spare,
          Tell them Britons can mercy show,
            Nothing but death awaits them there.

Then Major Mair with flag of truce before the Maoris stood.
And said: “Oh, friends, be warned in time, we do not seek your blood;
Surrender, and your lives are safe.” Then through the whole redoubt
The swarthy rebels answered, with a fierce defiant shout,
          “Ka Whawhai tonu! Ake! Ake! Ake!”[1]

  1. We will fight for ever, and ever, and ever.