Page:Notable Irishwomen.djvu/11

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I.  The Beautiful Gunnings
Maria Gunning, Countess of Coventry.
Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton, afterwards Duchess of Argyll
II.  Elizabeth Farren (Countess of Derby) 19
III.  The Countess of Cork and Orrery 32
IV.  Mary Leadbeater 45
V.  The Ladies of Llangollen 58
VI.  Maria Edgeworth 70
VII.  Lady Morgan 89
VIII.  Mrs. Tighe, author of "Psyche" 104
IX.  Eliza O'Neill (Lady Becher) 114
X.  Mrs. S. C. Hall 129
XI.  Lady Dufferin 142
XII.  Catherine Hayes 154
XIII.  Lady Wilde 173
XIV.  Julia Kavanagh 190